Dear Clients,
Notwithstanding the difficult time many in SE Queensland and Northern NSW are experiencing due to the effects of TC Alfred, as you have no doubt seen over the weekend, the damaged caused to major freight infrastructure by TC Alfred was much milder than the Authorities were predicting last week.
Vessel Movement Suspensions: -
Maritime Safety Queensland has announced that shipping operations are set to recommence on today, 10 March. Initial access however will be restricted to specific vessels that comply with port limitations until hydrographic surveys give the primary shipping channels the all-clear.
Port of Brisbane Terminals: -
All 3 terminal operators are reporting that operations recommenced today, 10th March for imports and export receivals.
Empty Container Parks: -
Are reporting that operations have or will be resuming operations today.
Brisbane Airport: -
The Airport itself is operational and the Cargo Terminal Operators (CTOs) are reporting that operations have come back online.
Road Closures: -
Flooding and debris is still being encountered in the Greater Brisbane, Gold Coast and Northern NSW area’s and is expected to impact road transport for some time yet.
Should you wish to discuss any of these points, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your key contact @ Transways Logistics International.